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picture1_Information Ppt 73255 | Writing A Personal Narrative

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File: Information Ppt 73255 | Writing A Personal Narrative
4 writing purposes 4 writing purposes expository provides information or an explanation about a topic narrative tells a story descriptive describes a subject using sensory details persuasive attempts to change ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Writing purposes expository provides information or an explanation about a topic narrative tells story descriptive describes subject using sensory details persuasive attempts to change someone s viewpoint personal narratives re creates specific experience event in your life write effective select that you feel strongly be selective with although are telling will still paint mental picture for readers it is important include however reader doesn t need know every little thing retelling the paragraph has parts sentence introduces body sentences share create closing reflects on understanding goals ideas clear experiences organization retell chronological order strong beginning middle and end voice want sound natural believable interested own try use dialogue when possible...

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