what is a synthesis essay and why should i care the synthesis essay is the biggest fish to fry on the ap english exam it is the rough equivalent of ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is a synthesis essay and why should i care the biggest fish to fry on ap english exam it rough equivalent of an apush dbq can make or break your score time alotted minutes reading writing recommended per college board question asks students synthesize information from variety sources inform their own discussion topic combining separate elements substances form coherent whole think this best way about prompt combines w known schema conversationentering conversation supporting ideas with outside noticing how connect one another grouping in meaningful ways based these connections prompts expect defend challenge qualify develop position some claim involves weighing pros cons often cost benefits analysis particular perspective solution evaluate considerations still argument but which are most important meet our two contenders french indian television war political elections...