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picture1_Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pdf 152417 | Anu 3rd Pharm Syllabus

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File: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pdf 152417 | Anu 3rd Pharm Syllabus
a n u b pharmacy syllabus with effect from 2008 09 academic year iii iv b pharmacy 5th semester 501 pharmaceutical chemistry iv medicinalii theory 75 hrs unit 01 quantitative ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...A n u b pharmacy syllabus with effect from academic year iii iv th semester pharmaceutical chemistry medicinalii theory hrs unit quantitative structure activity relationship qsar studies basic concepts of computer aided drug design different approaches combinatorial synthesis general anaesthetics introduction classification mechanism action and therapeutic uses halothane ketamine methohexital local chemical ideal requirements mode sar structures important metabolism benzocaine procaine lidocaine tetracaine cinchocaine hypnotics sedatives barbiturates phenobarbital amylobarbital pentobarbital cyclobarbitone calcium thiopental hexobarbital chlordiazepoxide diazepam alprazolam anti psychotics phenothiazines therapaeutic promethazine prochlorperazine fluphenazine chlorpromazine haloperidol clozapine oxypentine depressants amitryptaline doxepine iproniazid isocarboxizide trazodone fluoxetin anxietyagents nitrazepam lorazepam prazepam epileptics phenytoin valproic acid carbamazepine ethosuxi...

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