File: Framework Powerpoint 73108 | American Samoa Presentation
overview birth registration is estimated to be 100 complete within 1 year of birth 99 9 of the total population is estimated to have had their birth registered birth certificates ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Overview birth registration is estimated to be complete within year of the total population have had their registered certificates are provided for all births death cause from a medical certificate deaths crvs committee vai filiga poc national statistics tai solomona registrar vital anaise uso doh his suafa toluao lbj hospital records judy payes cod coder and william ledoux assistant attorney general yes we worked on our action framework gloria methenge should able give you latest although it still in process data storage protection where cr stored centrally office one location country this marriages divorces identification documents how electronically some paper about recorded whether backed up protected off site local duplicate hard drive copies reels tapes working getting an backup while often back done varies months depending volume accrual major challenges pre post disaster legislations updates agencies responsibility tasks specifics o issue since current practice not what subscri...