File: Ppt For Information Security 73014 | Information Security Volunteer Training
learning outcomes an introduction to key policies and legislation affecting the recording and storing of information an overview of copyright law and how it affects people working in libraries key ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning outcomes an introduction to key policies and legislation affecting the recording storing of information overview copyright law how it affects people working in libraries main everyone needs be aware are gdpr security freedom use electronic communications workplace social media guidelines copies these will given you by your supervisor hard available at location should any changes made data protection library staff lots different systems access customer manage day activities their locations include a management system pc bookings what do think we have lics that might sensitive or protected benefits status names addresses gender dates birth fines ages public email pin ethnic origins guardian details number holds carer visited some disabilities notes kept on borrowing history accounts examples o q police officer phones ask if person is member oa refer call duty...