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25 Coffee Maker Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Coffee Maker. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. All About Drip Coffee Makers
..... Drip coffee makers are some of the most commonly used coffee makers in the United States. They are easy to use and inexpensive to own and operate. Available in a wide variety of styles, colors and sizes, there's a drip coffee maker to fit any kitchen. One study reports that automatic drip coffee makers are the most purchased small kitchen appliance. Approximately 14 million automatic drip coffee makers are sold each year. Mr. Coffee is one of the best known automatic drip coffee makers. Other well-known coffee maker companies include Black and Decker, Braun, Cuisinart, and Proctor-Silex. .....


2. Automatic Drip Coffee Makers
..... The most common type of coffee maker available is the automatic drip coffee maker. Everyone has had one of these at one time or another and they are the most frequently purchased coffee makers ever made. They are simple to use, the coffee tastes good, and they come with all sorts of options. The automatic drip coffee maker ranges in price from as low as $15.00 to as much as $300.00 depending on brand, options, and what their specific purpose will be. A standard 10 cup automatic drip coffee maker will cost a lot less than a larger or smaller automatic drip coffee maker as those are specialized units that serve a more specific purpose. The automatic drip coffee maker works by putting water into the designated spot (usually on the back or side of the machine), adding a coffee filter, then dumping coffee grounds into the filter. All that's left is to push the ON button and wait. This ease of use is what makes the automatic drip coffee maker so popular. Everyone can use it and it is also very easy to maintain. .....


3. Automatic Espresso Coffee Makers
..... Automatic espresso coffee makers are more expensive than many other coffee makers. They are prestigious as well as good coffee makers. They're available in semi-automatic, fully-automatic and super automatic machines. Semi-Automatic Espresso Coffee Makers .....


4. Best Coffee Makers
..... One will always get and ear-full of how great a coffee maker is when walking into a friend's home. You put up with all the details of the machine and eventually try out the greatest coffee it can produce. At another friend you get the same story, but concerning a different coffee maker. You can make the best cup of coffee with a very simple coffee maker, and one specific machine is the manual drip machine. The French Press is a glass jar. It has vertical sides and a plunger, and attached to the plunger is a mesh filter. The coffee is inserted in the jar, hot water is poured in, the lid is attached, and after 4 minutes all you have to do is slowly press the plunger down. That is all it takes, and with that you will be able to enjoy a tasteful cup of coffee. .....


5. Bunn Coffee Makers Available In Wide Array Of Styles
..... Bunn coffee makers are popular with many devoted coffee drinkers. This leading coffee maker company offers a variety of styles to fit the needs of users. In 1957, Bunn introduced the first paper coffee filter. In 1963, they introduced the 'pourover' coffee brewer. Automatic (coffee makers that connect to a water source) and manual (coffee makers that require reservoir filling before use) styles are available. Manual coffee makers are also called pourover coffee makers. .....


6. Cappuccino Machine
..... A cappuccino is a wonderful Italian coffee based hot drink that is prepared with milk foam, espresso and hot milk. It is normally served in a porcelain cup; this is because these cups have a much better heat preservation compared to a normal mug or glass. The foam that stays on the top of the cappuccino works as an insulator to help preserve the heat of the drink, letting it stay hotter for much longer. It is not advised to drink this cold, it tastes completely different, the hotter the better! There are many different kinds of cappuccino machines available for home use as well as use in a restaurant. If you are looking for one of these machines by a specific name, that's also okay as they are listed in alphabetical order by the brand names. Although, all these machines are great, some may find it easier to work with the smaller ones, because it has less buttons and appears less confusing, where as others will prefer to use the big ones. As long as you know what you are doing, it does not matter what the size of the machine is. .....


7. Choosing A Coffee Maker
..... Coffee makers have come a long way. From yesterday's cowboy pots boiling coffee over the coals to today's sleek gourmet brewers, there's a coffee maker to fit every taste, every lifestyle, every budget and every counter space. So where do you begin finding the coffee maker of your dreams? Before you head for the appliance aisle at your favorite store, do a little homework. Consider what kind of coffee you prefer, how often you drink coffee, how much space you have for a coffee maker, how much you can afford to spend on a coffee maker. These are the issues involved in deciding whether to purchase an espresso or a non-espresso coffee maker. Choosing a Coffee Maker: Espresso or No Espresso .....


8. Coffee Maker Glossary
..... Coffee has a language all its own. Here are a few of the frequently used coffee maker terms. Auto Frother: device that automatically froths milk for cappuccinos and lattes. .....


9. Coffee Maker Style Guide
..... According to some statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. This translates to more than 100 million people who drink coffee daily. Americans are a diverse population and far from unanimously agreeing on what makes a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, there are several different styles of coffee makers available today. Coffee lovers can choose the brewing machine that fits their preferences. Common coffee maker styles include Automatic Drip, Automatic Espresso, French Press, Percolator, Stovetop Espresso, and Vacuum style. Each has its own pros and cons and gives the user varying control over the end result. .....


10. Coffee Makers Online
..... Coffee makers are usually bought in a retail store like K-mart and the like but with the advancement of technology, you don't even have to leave your home to review and buy a new coffee maker. There are many sites on the Internet that specialize in selling you coffee makers. Many are brand name sites that are well respected and offer you a great product at a great price. There are also overstock sites, discount retail sites, and even auction sites you could browse around on before you make a decision. When purchasing a coffee maker or anything else over the Internet, you want to make sure you are dealing with a legitimate company. The first one you see on Google might not necessarily be the best one either. Make sure you know the companies procedures and that they guarantee you will get your product by a certain time and nobody but them will have access to your credit card or bank account information. If there are testimonials or you know someone who has used that site it is even better. There are many scams on the Internet and you don't want to end up with a coffee maker key chain for $50.00 or worse, nothing at all. Just use your discretion and stick with sites you know. .....


11. Coffee Makers Are Big Business In U.S.
..... The average American drinks at least 3 cups of coffee daily. The United States is a leading coffee consumer with Americans drinking an overall 400 million cups of coffee each year. It's no wonder that coffee makers are one of the most sold products. The Cowboy Coffee Pot of the 1800's has evolved into modern, sleek machines that cater to the appetites of eager coffee drinkers. Coffee is big business. Some reports state that coffee sales are increasing 20 percent every year. Specialty coffee (cappuccino, latte, etc) accounts for at least 8 percent of all coffee sales. .....


12. Coffee Makers For Camping
..... Camping is a great hobby and a fun pastime for many people. It can be very relaxing to get in touch with nature and spend a few days in the desert or woods enjoying nature. You can swim, fish, or just enjoy doing absolutely nothing. Just because you are in the wilderness doesn't mean you can't enjoy a good cup of coffee though. There are many different ways you can brew a cup or a pot of coffee while camping. There is a large variety of coffee makers that are designed especially for camping. There are small ones that will make just one cup or large ones that will make many cups at once. It all depends on how much you want to pack in with you and how many people are going that will want coffee. The most common coffee makers for camping are of the manual drip variety as all you do is pour boiling water over your coffee while it sits in a filter. The filter sits in a holder and you just set the holder over your cup or mug. Other varieties might need to be set on a portable stove or set on ashes to boil the water. There are even some automatic drip coffee makers that have been designed for the camper who really wants that added convenience. These models are quite large and are not for the camper who is going to hike 10 miles for the perfect spot. They also require a camp stove. .....


13. Coffee Vending Machines
..... As early as the 1960's coffee vending machines started to show up at airports, hotels, and many industrial plants around the world especially in the USA. The first coffee vending machines used all freeze dried ingredients and mixed them with water then added your selected amount of cream and sugar. There wasn't a whole lot of selection. Today, fancy coffee vending machines can make you espresso, cappuccino, hot chocolate, soup, tea, and many variations of coffee. Coffee vending machines are very useful for many reasons. You don't need an employee to run them, you can put them anywhere, the ingredients aren't too expensive, and they make quite a bit of money in a good location. Coffee vending machines can make from 100 to 600 cups of coffee before you are required to refill the cup dropper. This is what drops the cup down before the coffee or beverage of your choice is dispensed into it. The coffee vending machines usually use one size cup that is around 8 ounces. The cups are recyclable and quality made to simulate a cup you would receive at a coffee shop. .....


14. Coffee Makers In The Workplace
..... Many people have a coffee maker at work. This is a great idea because it lets employees and managers alike have something in common and lets everyone have a short break from work while they refresh their coffee mugs. Coffee makers are used in office buildings, manufacturing plants, and almost every type of business there is from fast food to convenience stores. The office coffee maker is a place everyone can go and chit chat for a few minutes similar to a water cooler. The usual office coffee maker is of the automatic drip variety and makes about 12 cups at a time. The funny thing is, 12 cups from a coffee maker means about 5 ounces per cup. Nobody drinks that little so you might as well assume one pot will serve 6 people. For a busy workplace you may need a larger coffee maker to accommodate everyone and might even decide to use a coffee vending machine. If this is owned and operated by the company, they may lower the prices so they don't make much profit. This will be made up with employee morale and productivity so it evens out. .....


15. Discount Coffee Makers
..... Some coffee makers can be pretty expensive depending on the brand name and what features it has. There are many models that cost over $200.00 and don't seem to do much more than a normal coffee maker. If you are on a budget or just like to live frugally, you might consider a discount coffee maker. A discount coffee maker usually doesn't have many bells and whistles but for someone who just wants a regular cup of coffee, could be a very cheap option. Discount coffee makers are usually of the automatic drip variety. You pour your water in, add a coffee filter, then dump in some ground coffee. All that's left to do is turn it on and walk away. Discount coffee makers sometimes come with a timer but sometimes not. A discount coffee maker won't make you espresso or cappuccino and usually have little or no options when it comes to changing the flavor or strength of your coffee. The only way to change the taste is to put in more or less ground coffee. .....


16. Electric Coffee Makers
..... There are many types of coffee maker available on the market today. When most people think of a coffee maker, they think of an electric coffee maker. This means the coffee maker is plugged into an outlet and is powered with electricity. This is the most common way to power your coffee maker because of its simplicity. You just plug it in, add water and coffee, and push start. This is much easier than the older vacuum and stove top coffee makers from years past. It can be hard to imagine not using an electric coffee maker. Many of us have grown up with them not knowing how hard it was to make coffee long ago. It used to take a lot of time to stand there by the stove and watch your coffee brew and make sure everything was going right. Lucky for us, we just have to push start and wait. The electricity heats the heating element which is in the water container. The water is heated to a specified temperature and then by gravity or a pump pushes the water over the ground coffee. The result is a nice, easy cup of coffee. This has a great advantage over stove top coffee makers as you don't have to worry about your coffee being too cold or so hot it takes the skin off of your tongue. Electric coffee makers don't use a ton of electricity so you won't even notice a change in your utility bills. .....


17. History Of Coffee Makers
..... Coffee has been used as a drink for well over 2000 years. The first methods of brewing coffee were pretty crude but they have advanced greatly over the centuries. People used to just chew the cherry that came off the coffee tree to get a stimulant effect. Inside the cherry was the coffee bean. Over time with experimentation, people started to roast and then grind the beans for better flavor. As early as the the late 1700s, coffee makers began showing up. This made it easy for people to brew coffee and not worry about getting grounds in their cup. This was expensive and not many people had them. The basic design is similar to coffee pots of today. There was a pot on the bottom with a place to put your ground coffee on the top. This was connected to a chamber on top where you poured in your boiling water. .....


18. How A Coffee Maker Works
..... We all wake up in the morning and depend on our old friend to start our day - the coffee maker. The only effort we have to put in when wanting to enjoy a mug of coffee is to add a scoop of coffee, add the required amount of water and turn the machine on. We stand back and wait for our coffee to be ready before we can enjoy it. Think about it, have you ever stood there and tried to understand how the water gets from the compartment to the top of the machine? Have you ever wondered what that gurgling sound was? Here is what goes on inside. If you open the top of the coffee machine, you will find the bucket that holds the water when you pour it in before the cycle starts. If you look inside, you will find a hole in the bucket's bottom, and this will become clear to you very soon. You also see a tube, and the purpose of this tube is to carry the water to the area where it drips out. The drip area is the part you see from the top that contains all the tiny holes. This is where the water arrives from the tube and then simply drips through the tiny holes. .....


19. Manual Drip Coffee Makers
..... Many people don't really know the difference between automatic and manual drip coffee makers. It's really very simple. An automatic drip coffee maker pours the hot water over the ground coffee for you while a manual drip coffee maker requires that you do it yourself. Manual drip coffee makers typically come in single cup to twelve cup varieties and basically give you similar results as an automatic drip coffee maker. Many people feel they get a better tasting cup of coffee when they have the ability to pour the water themselves and choose from a variety of filters and filter holders. A good thing about manual drip coffee makers is that they don't use electricity and can be used wherever you happen to go. This makes them a great choice for camping. You can boil water over a fire or portable stove for your coffee. .....


20. Single Cup Coffee Makers
..... People love coffee and buy tons of coffee makers each year. The problem with your average coffee maker is that it is usually designed to make ten to twelve cups of coffee per pot. This is fine for the office or maybe a diner but a casual coffee drinker doesn't need all that. With an average coffee maker, if you only drink one or two cups a day, you are wasting between eight and ten cups. That's a lot of coffee! Another thing is if you buy a big can of coffee, it will most likely get stale after a while. These are all good reasons you might want a single cup coffee maker. Single cup coffee makers are perfect for single people and those that just want a better cup of coffee than a normal coffee pot will allow. A single cup coffee maker gives you a higher quality cup of coffee because it was designed for just that. One premium cup of coffee. Other coffee makers will brew more at a time but they are designed for speed not quality. .....


21. The History Of Coffee Makers
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22. The History Of Espresso Coffee Makers
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23. Top Espresso Coffee Makers
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24. Types Of Coffee Makers
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25. Where To Find A Coffee Maker
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