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picture1_Management Information System Ppt 72639 | Availability Assessment Hours

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File: Management Information System Ppt 72639 | Availability Assessment Hours
purpose provide information on the availability assessment hours as defined by the caiso tariff and its application to current operations agenda 1 current issue impact 2 background on availability assessment ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Purpose provide information on the availability assessment hours as defined by caiso tariff and its application to current operations agenda issue impact background frequency of system load da market prices an analysis performed portfolio management confirms that generic ra raaim are not reflective conditions based section shall establish assess extent which each resource adequacy has met standards correspond operating periods when high demand typically occur capacity is most critical maintaining reliability required bidding days november march he non holiday weekdays april october annually determine five hour range for month specify them in business practice manual top highest jan mar apr oct nov dec feb data source oasis dlap pgae apnd notes comparable results sce sdge th np sp zp price nodes...

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