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picture1_Lifestyle Ppt 72530 | Female Kick Off Wp5

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File: Lifestyle Ppt 72530 | Female Kick Off Wp5
wp5 2 wp5 3 beneficiaries semmelweis university swu aarhus university au university of edinburgh uned university of aberdeen unab kungliga tekniska hoegskolan kth rigas tehniska universitate rtu yourcode lab kft ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Wp beneficiaries semmelweis university swu aarhus au of edinburgh uned aberdeen unab kungliga tekniska hoegskolan kth rigas tehniska universitate rtu yourcode lab kft ylk objectives logitudinal study use bq developed in recognises patterns lifestyle and environmental factors related with endometriosis using the lucy app to generate patient profiles structured clinical data aims estimate prevalence geographical distribution like symptoms denmark uk it includes development comparison a phenotype description patients qol questionnaires generic health quality life hrqol questionnaire short form version sf world organization whoqol bref euroqol d profile ehp treatment satisfaction etsq daily electronic pain bleeding diary epbd centred endo care ecq bowel syndrome bens low anterior resection snydrome lars...

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