File: Ppt On Bonds 72449 | Ch 2 Alkanes For All 1437 1438 1
Alkanes Learning Objectives Chapter one discusses the following topics and the student by the end of this chapter will: Know the classification of hydrocarbon. Know general formula of simple alkanes ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Alkanes learning objectives chapter one discusses the following topics and student by end of this will know classification hydrocarbon general formula simple their names from methane to decane different methods representing molecular formulas classes carbon hydrogen atoms hybridization geometry rules for naming branched chain how use them isomer physical properties factors affecting used preparing reaction why are cycloalkanes special class hydrocarbons cis trans isomerism in halogenation reactions c h saturated unsaturated i e contain only multiple bonds single double or triple opened cyclic g alkenes cycloalkenes alkynes aromatic compounds cnhn name ch ethane propane butane pentane hexane heptane octane nonane representation formulae ball stick model dash chchchoh condensed bond line drawing chch chchch chchchch n chchchchch...