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picture1_Financial Presentation Template 67824 | Session 6

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File: Financial Presentation Template 67824 | Session 6
global firm a firm that by operating in more than one country gains r d production marketing and financial advantage in its costs and reputation that are not available to ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Global firm a that by operating in more than one country gains r d production marketing and financial advantage its costs reputation are not available to purely domestic competitors the wto gatt world trade organization general agreement for tariffs promotes reducing other international barriers understanding environment economic subsistence economies engage simple agriculture they consume most of there out put barter rest raw material exporting economics rich resource poor others revenue is generated them saudi arabia oil industrializing manufacturing accounts countries eg india industrial major exporters goods political legal consider attitude towards buying government bureaucracy stability monitory regulation cultural each has own folkways norms taboos companies must understand how culture effects consumer reactions traditions could avoid embarrassing mistakes nike china go or factors draw into internal arena attack home market offering better products at lower price shrinking forei...

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