File: Chemical Kinetics Ppt 72178 | Unit 8 Kinetics Day1 Ratelaw
warm up take out homework 14 1 14 4 video notes and practice exercises complete unit 8 1 assignment sheet then answer the following question somewhere in your notebook what ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Warm up take out homework video notes and practice exercises complete unit assignment sheet then answer the following question somewhere in your notebook what are some factors you can name that control or effect how fast a reaction takes place time minutes when done come front to get note handout for table partners agenda lecture chemical kinetics rate constant units chemquest rates of which quizzes will drop respond survey this afternoon final study guide coming tomorrow pick it during th period at session pm reactions if re making something might think last is good thing but pesticide with known detrimental impacts on human health may only want stay intact few days after has been applied before decomposes into products aren t harmful besides information about speed occur also sheds light mechanism molecular level view path from reactants affect physical state reactant concentrations temperature presence catalyst...