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picture1_Company Presentation Templates 71607 | Field Notetaking Report Writing

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File: Company Presentation Templates 71607 | Field Notetaking Report Writing
field note taking report writing training objectives 1 list the purposes of writing and using field notes to effectively capture information 2 determine the four purposes of report writing 3 ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Field note taking report writing training objectives list the purposes of and using notes to effectively capture information determine four identify six characteristics a good demonstrate how write narrative who what when where why as questioning strategies provide greater degree accuracy than memory can be retain your for at least years permanent check company policy retaining destroying are an aid in investigative process all activities they help failure take evidence investigators result inability or other facts pinpoint recall relating discovered during prompt re incident investigation examination scene arrival departure time victim statements witness security guard s found suspect should detail crime include diagram weather conditions lighting...

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