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25 Medical Career Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about medical career. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. A Career In Medical Transcription
..... Medical transcription has been in use since the 1950’s. This is used to keep records of patients and since the doctor cannot do it themselves, this is where people like you who have the training can come in to help them and at the same time make some money. There are a lot of medical transcription companies that offer their services to clinics, healthcare facilities, hospitals, the individual sector, laboratories and physician groups. Given the strong demand, you can even get into it yourself with the proper training and the equipment needed for this to work. .....


2. Career Medical Training
..... We start going to school at the age of 4 or 5. We graduate from secondary school at the age of 17 or 19. Those who want to pursue a career being a doctor will have to endure 4 years of undergraduate studies, 4 years of medical school, 3 to 7 years as an intern and resident then a couple of more years to move into a more specialized field. This means that you will have only established yourself as a doctor after you have reached the age of 30! Do you really have to wait that long to undergo medical training and make a career for yourself? The answer is no. This is because aside from being a doctor, you can do something else that is in the medical field. To give you an idea, here are some of them. .....


3. Health And Medical Careers
..... If you think about it, health and medical careers are very similar as they both want the same thing that is to care for the welfare of the patient. To give some idea, here are a few possible careers that you may get into. 1. Brushing and flossing your teeth isn’t enough to keep them clean. This is why people are told to visit the dentist once a year or every six months. Dentistry is usually completed after 8 years of education. It takes just as long as a medical doctor and analysts believe this demand will grow as the large number of are expected to retire soon. .....


4. List Of Medical Careers
..... The medical field has broadened. There are now fields of specialization so if you haven’t yet chosen what you want to pursue, perhaps you should browse through the medical a list of medical careers. To give you some idea, here are a few. 1. When someone is injured, we are taught to dial 911 and wait until help arrives. The one that comes through the door is a EMT or emergency medical technician whose job is to stabilize the patient until they reach the hospital. .....


5. Making A Career Out Of Medical Devices
..... When prescriptions are not enough to help the patient live a normal life that is when medical devices are used. Some of these are attached to the human body while others are used whenever they are needed. Through the years, various products have come out and since there is a demand for these products, you can make a career selling these devices. One way to make money is to buy second hand medical devices and then sell these to hospitals who can’t afford to buy brand new versions. The other will be to find a company that manufactures these products then work as a middleman to make a commission. .....


6. Making A Career From Medical Education
..... You can have a career from medical education. This is because there is a demand for such individuals as more hospitals are being made and those who have been doing this for years are almost or have already reach retirement age. This means that there is a need for fresh faces to take their place. How do you make a career out of medical education? For doctors, once they have finished their undergraduate studies, they can already enroll in medical school. One study shows that 96% of the students that have chosen to enroll in medical school obtained their M.D. degrees. .....


7. Medical Career Descriptions
..... Doctors and nurses regardless of their specialties are in the business of saving lives. Each one of them has a responsibility to the patients and to give you a better understanding of some of these positions, here are a few medical career descriptions. If you see a doctor, the first person that will greet you at the office is a medical assistant. Their job is to make sure that the office is running smoothly. They will tell you to wait for awhile and then go in should the doctor be busy attending to another patient, take care of the paper work such as filing medical records and other duties that is handed down by the doctor. .....


8. Medical Career Training
..... What does it take to be a doctor? The answer is 4 years of undergraduate studies, 4 years of medical school, 3 to 7 years as an intern and resident then a couple of more years to move into a more specialized field. But going to school is just one of the steps in medical career training. Aside from reading books, you have to know how to put theory into practice by doing the real thing. .....


9. Medical Career
..... A medical career is a noble profession because you are able to help those who are ill. As medical science has improved through the years, it has opened a lot of opportunities for those who want to be part of this specialized field. But for those that want to become doctors, you must first complete 4 years of undergraduate training, another 4 years of medical school, then 3 to 7 years working as an intern and as a resident. That is a long time and if you want to sub specialize, that will be another 2 years. .....


10. Medical Careers List
..... There was a time that there were no fields of specialization being a doctor. This has changed so those of you who don’t qualify as a surgeon may still pursue something once you narrow your choices from a medical careers list. Here are some of them to help you on your way. 1. First up is by working as a medical assistant. You can easily get this job after you complete a 1 or a 2 year program from a vocational technical high school, vocational school or community college. .....


11. Medical Careers
..... People who choose to go for a medical career want to help people fight their illnesses. But since not everyone is qualified to be a doctor, there are other positions you can fill. 1. Some people have difficulty with their sense of hearing so they go and meet an audiologist. When a patient comes in, they try to find the source of the problem followed by treatment that may include cleaning the air canal, fitting and dispensing hearing aids, fitting and tuning cochlear implants and audiologic rehabilitation. .....


12. Medical Device Careers
..... Sales agents who work for pharmaceutical companies do not only sell drugs to doctors. They also sell devices such as pacemakers. The best part of being a sales agent is that you don’t need a medical degree to get started. You simply have to know what you are selling and then making that pitch. The first thing you have to do is apply for that position. That means polishing your resume and emailing or handing this out to potential medical device companies in the need for sales agent. If you have an interview coming up soon, you should do some research about the company and be familiar with their products so that if that if there is anything unclear, you can ask about this when it is your turn to raise questions during the interview. .....


13. Medical Devices Sales Career
..... Pharmaceutical companies do not only make money selling drugs. A certain percentage also comes from the sale of medical devices. If you think you have what it takes to sell, then perhaps you should go for a sales career selling these products. A sales career in medical devices means going out of the office often to meet clients. You may have to drive a certain distance or get their by flying in a plane. But before you meet them, you should already have a plan on how to present this medical device and be prepared to answer any of their questions because you don’t have a second chance if you fail on your first sales pitch. .....


14. Medical Equipment Sales Career
..... Hospitals require a lot of medical equipment so their patients can be treated. Monitors, respirators, bed, computers are just a few of them and given that they will need a lot of these, you can make money earning sales commissions by have a sales career in medical equipment. Your clients as a sales agent include not only new hospitals under construction but also old ones as they also need to upgrade their facilities. There are also private and public clinics which you can visit and all you have to do is set up an appointment with whoever is in charge with their purchasing. .....


15. Medical Equipment Sales Careers
..... Hospitals don’t only need beds for their patients. They will also need CT scanners, mammograms, X-ray machines, respirators, MRI’s and a lot more in order to compete with other hospitals. If you think you have what it takes to be successful in this field, perhaps a sales career in medical equipment may be lucrative for you. The first thing you have to do is to apply to a company as a sales agent. You can go to a manufacturer or work for a company that is an authorized distributor of the medical equipment. After a series of exams and interviews, you will then be trained on these products then it is up you to do the rest. .....


16. Are Continuing Education Okay For Medical Coding Career
..... Choosing medical coding as career can be ideal for a lot of people because it is a lucrative way to make a living that does not come bundled with the usual stresses of a regular 9-5 job. In fact, on the contrary, choosing a medical coding career is choosing to make a living with flexible time and work from home benefits. The question remains though: is continuing education needed for a career in medical coding? The simple answer to this is yes. In order to better your employment opportunities, it would be beneficial for you to acquire the necessary training required to familiarize yourself with the different ins and outs of medical coding. .....


17. Career In College Medical
..... An individual begins his career as a doctor in medical school while an individual who wants to get into the fast growing and promising medical field builds the foundations of his or her career in medical college. As a result of an aging population and a technologically advanced society, the demand for excellent healthcare services and procedures is increasing and experts say that this trend will continue for several years henceforth. With this trend comes the proportional increase in opportunities for employment in the medical field. .....


18. Careers In Medical Field
..... Most people are now considering options for careers in the medical field whether they are fresh out of high school and want to pursue a career in healthcare or they are already well established individuals needing a change of focus in their careers. Despite a career in healthcare services being challenging, the returns for acquiring a job in this type of profession can be very rewarding in terms of professional and personal satisfaction. This is why many individuals are beckoned to join the healthcare field. Fortunately for these individuals, there is a high demand for skilled professionals in this field. The high numbers of jobs available and the continuously growing demand for individuals to fill these positions is a result of an aging population coupled with advancing technology. .....


19. Careers In The Medical Field
..... If you are considering careers in the medical field, be sure to learn and understand that there are several opportunities to choose from. Traditionally, people think that a career in the medical field is limited to the many types of doctors and nurses. Truth of the matter is there exists an entire plethora of options almost anyone can consider. This type of information is especially helpful to those who may want to be part of a promising and lucrative career in the medical field but is daunted by the cost and length of study required in medical school. Remember that although there is a certain glamour in being a doctor and an air of nobility in being a nurse, other professions under the medical field is gaining as much popularity too. .....


20. Choosing A Career In The Medical Field
..... Choosing a career in the medical field is one of the best options available for most people these days because of the job security, possible career advancement and other intangible factors for job satisfaction in this type of decision. Naturally, there are certain training and certifications required before consideration of eligibility in the different careers available in the medical field. There are some short courses, certification examinations with varying lengths needed for preparation and immersion. This should not hinder anyone from pursuing careers in the medical field. Whatever time, effort and resources invested into trainings, learning and certification will be well worth it. There is no need to worry about not being able to strike while the boom in the industry is hot. Naturally, some individuals may feel hindered by the fact that they cannot join the medical field until they have completed necessary qualifications and some of these may take as much as a couple of years to achieve. .....


21. Job Descriptions For Medical Careers
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22. Medical Assistant Career
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23. Medical Career Forum
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24. Medical Field Careers
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25. Medical Supply Sales Careers
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