File: Ppt Report Writing 71174 | Publishing A Case Report
why publish a case report obligation to contribute to growth of knowledge for clinicians and scientists in health care ultimately changing practices and benefiting patient outcomes focus attention on a ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Why publish a case report obligation to contribute growth of knowledge for clinicians and scientists in health care ultimately changing practices benefiting patient outcomes focus attention on new clinical diagnosis or treatment reports serve as the fuel advance evidence engine are foundation approach learning scientific writing skills your cv is augmented by scholarship which enhances marketability can also be submitted posters national meetings developing expertise searching literature digital search engines like nlm s pubmed scopus performing topical an author single citation directed topic keywords does this have reportable findings define elements that provide its strengths publication confusing emerging novel effective reporting pathophysiological pathway unusual adverse responses components introduction history review systems family social pm physical exam vitals complete imaging labs biopsy prognosis discussion conclusion references tables figures images with captions select de...