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picture1_Investment Ppt 70916 | Wipo Idb Ip Ryd 07 4

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File: Investment Ppt 70916 | Wipo Idb Ip Ryd 07 4
introduction introduction old challenges old challenges new challenges new challenges globalization globalization knowledge based economy knowledge based economy importance of r d importance of r d characteristics of r d ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction old challenges new globalization knowledge based economy importance of r d characteristics in the arab world economies investing inputs budgets and investments human resources infrastructure investment expenditures as gdp regions selected countries iissrraelael developed sswweeddenen developing ffiinlnlaanndd jjaapanpan less dev uussaa americas ggeerrmmananyy europe uukk asia cchhiinnaa oceania bbrraziazill iindindia a africa ttuurrkekeyy all states ttuuninissiia eeggyypptt ssyyrriiaa source unesco institute for statistics estimations december european trend chart most financing is sourced from public sector total government industry other syria average oecd japan korea year adapted escwa science technology scoreboard...

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