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picture1_Technology Ppt 70907 | Eig Dan Rode Handouts 20160421

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File: Technology Ppt 70907 | Eig Dan Rode Handouts 20160421
objectives let s focus on understand the context in which enterprise information governance eig is growing understand the concepts of eig understand the roles and leadership that health information management ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives let s focus on understand the context in which enterprise information governance eig is growing concepts of roles and leadership that health management professionals can provide to organizations undertaking some initial steps a him professional could take initiate vahia annual conference dan rode associates agenda perspectives environment data new bottom line fusion healthcare organization barriers big what who role resources questions comments glossary aca accountable care act obama ppaca patient protection affordable arra american recovery reinvestment ahima association arma records international hipaa insurance portability accountability hitech technology for economic clinical hl level seven standards development ig ihtsdo terminology org snomed ct meaningful use incentive program ehr hie under ncvhs national committee vital statistics onc office coordinator oess cms electronic security oig inspector general hhs vbp value based purchasing from deficit reduction dra x accr...

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