File: Technology Ppt 70666 | Future Imperfect Brazil
technological revolutions that might happen based on future imperfect book on my web page ways in which technological change might sharply change the world on your lifetime because beyond that ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Technological revolutions that might happen based on future imperfect book my web page ways in which change sharply the world your lifetime because beyond is too uncertain and even then key word what if technologies develop certain problems opportunities will appear how they be dealt with everyone conservative global warming a wimpy catastrophe temperature up by few degrees sea levels feet i have three different of wiping out human race faster than or making life enormously better biotech tailored diseases made kid his basement nanotech turning into grey goo artificial intelligence happens when we share beings much smarter are privacy x encryption makes possible online more ever had surveillance technology realspace less public create pair long numbers such message scrambled one must unscrambled other make them keep very strict secret enables private conversations encrypt send it to me identity you decrypt so know was from now combine reputation anonymity anonymous e cash no knows who ...