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File: Research Pdf 43869 | 6175290
tourism management studies 13 4 2017 65 72 doi 10 18089 tms 2017 13407 the complex interaction between human resources management the labor market and employment relations in brazil a ...

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...Tourism management studies doi tms the complex interaction between human resources labor market and employment relations in brazil a complexa interacao entre gestao de pessoas mercado trabalho e relacoes no brasil marcus vinicius goncalves da cruz fundacao joao pinheiro belo horizonte mg fjp gov br amyra moyzes sarsur dom cabral federal university of minas gerais asarsur hotmail com wilson aparecido costa amorim universidade sao paulo faculdade economia administracao contabilidade sp wamorim usp andre luiz fischer afischer michele ruzon kassem gmail abstract resumo this article reports results qualitative research that examines how o artigo traz resultados pesquisa qualitativa que analisa como literature available resource hrm addresses tematica recursos humanos considera as novas new characteristics period caracteristicas do periodo with an aging population reduction share young people envelhecimento populacional reducao proporcao jovens increased educational level workforce drop numb...

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