blockchain evolving from simple ledgers to cryptlets that fetch trusted and agreed upon external data needed to execute smart contracts blockchain 3 0 cloud servicing multilayer middleware blockchain 2 0 ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Blockchain evolving from simple ledgers to cryptlets that fetch trusted and agreed upon external data needed execute smart contracts cloud servicing multilayer middleware microsoft innovation logic tier record transactions are unable access or events based on time market conditions calling code outside of a contract breaks the general trust barrier authenticity will allow securely while maintaining integrity fail fast cheap tenets in development test environment our mix match strategy best available technologies create innovate by building solutions quickly share through worldwide distributed platform provision with one click iterate its three steps learning pocs growing ecosystem key banking discrete retail healthcare governme build learn capital manufacturing cpg nt markets customer driven s professional services support built top various y n horizontal saas adapters r o t i st rd u party isvs d l part par customers ty grow e marketplace w ledger identity crypto ml bi artifacts toget...