why change to live is to change john henry newman did you know 2016 2016 01 6 56 10 unbelievable near future technologies 2015 10 9 55 touch hear smart ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Why change to live is john henry newman did you know unbelievable near future technologies touch hear smart wearable high tech weapons refrigerator organ cloning ge netic engineering invisibility cloak space elevator mind meld immortality that may the world screenless display holographic tv d printing virtual reality wireless electricity neuro hacking hypersonic trains flying cars autonomous robots artificial intelligence changing of work where good ideas come from education paradigms do schools kill creativity life not about waiting for storm pass it s learning dance in rain vivian greene independent creative passive conven tional competence competition rule exam based task skills what learn achievement ma n study requires patience energy and time com plete process by which society transmits its accumulated kn owledge has a formative effect on way one thinks feels an acts acquisition knowledge or through experie nce practice changes capability old vs new passing down memorization buil...