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picture1_Computer Powerpoint Template 70225 | Whatismultimedia13

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File: Computer Powerpoint Template 70225 | Whatismultimedia13
multimedia is media and content that utilize a combination of different content forms the term is used in contrast to media which only utilize traditional forms multimedia includes a combination ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Multimedia is media and content that utilize a combination of different forms the term used in contrast to which only traditional includes text audio still images animation video interactivity pretty much everything except on its own interactive systems ims use are highly previous conference themes storage retrieval networking distributed information creation applications this year s computer games fiction what do you think virtual worlds technologies issues augmented mixed reality each category emerging representations get together groups four display discuss for minutes e g d holographic digital paper novel interfaces touch gesture haptic web mobile graphics rendering game theory human interaction motion sensing other sensors vision artificial intelligence psychology sociology story telling language processing narrative generation simulation avatar technology...

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