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picture1_Basic Statistics Ppt 70173 | 01intro 2

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File: Basic Statistics Ppt 70173 | 01intro 2
course description data mining and knowledge discovery topics introduction getting to know your data data preprocessing data warehouse and olap technology an introduction advanced data cube technology mining frequent patterns ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Course description data mining and knowledge discovery topics introduction getting to know your preprocessing warehouse olap technology an advanced cube frequent patterns association basic concepts methods classification cluster analysis outlier prerequisites statistics probability would help but not necessary pattern recognition databases of sql relational algebra one programming language java c perl matlab etc will need read library why what is a multi dimensional view kinds can be mined technologies are used applications targeted major issues in brief history society summary the explosive growth from terabytes petabytes collection availability automated tools database systems web computerized sources abundant business e commerce transactions stocks science remote sensing bioinformatics scientific simulation everyone news digital cameras youtube we drowning starving for necessity mother invention massive sets evolution sciences new era before empirical s theoretical each discipline h...

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