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picture1_Economics Pdf 118506 | Xi Eco

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File: Economics Pdf 118506 | Xi Eco
class notes class xi topic meaning of statistics singular and plural sense subject economics charecteristics of plural sense charecteristics of singular sense meaning of statistics statistics has been explained under ...

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...Class notes xi topic meaning of statistics singular and plural sense subject economics charecteristics has been explained under in is the collection numerical facts definition it means aggregate affected to a marked extent by multiplicity causes numerically expressed enumerated or estimated according reasonable standards accuracy collected systematic manner for predetermined purpose placed relation each other deals with presentation analysis interpretation quantitative information characteristics are number single isolated figures not because they cannot be compared data which always form should standard some so that when generalized results accurate have specific pre determined collecting statistical must decided advance otherwise usefulness may served properly its sysytematic make more reliable useful necessary collect comparison this homogeneous suitable mark two students profits firms economic status countries etc can easily first main step enquiry method used depends upon objectiv...

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