File: Solar System Powerpoint Presentation Free Download 70155 | 3c69f9e9b65a4c98b6bee6ce859c7594
21 1 structure of the solar system the sun is the center of our solar system the sun and 9 planets make up our solar system planets wander or orbit ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Structure of the solar system sun is center our and planets make up wander or orbit around at different distances sometimes when we view stars actually see that appear to be venus closest planet earth easily seen most nights are much farther away than so as tiny specks light objects in largest star makes x larger jupiter made gases hydrogen produces energy through nuclear fusion applies gravity all reflect sunlight spherical shaped object orbits classified grouped inner outer dwarf asteroids small rocky orbiting between mars belt range size comets gas dust ice producing a glowing tail melting trillions space terrestrial mercury smaller giants saturn uranus neptune mass rock pluto ceres eris makemake measuring au astronomical unit used measure distance it average from about million kilometers each s increases gets chart p motion gravitational pull on prevents drifting apart keeps curved path revolution revolve time takes travel once year rotation spinning axis spin day copernicus propos...