we appreciate your involvement in today s session 2 we will use an issues parking lot throughout our training 3 our purpose for bringing you together this afternoon is to ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...We appreciate your involvement in today s session will use an issues parking lot throughout our training purpose for bringing you together this afternoon is to provide information about the simplified administrative services project focusing on mars implementation ensure that every agency provided with tools help organize their communications strategies a roadmap getting from central team distribution affected employees why are ee gg nn live aa hh operations cc old kaps roll out tt system rr end o closeout ff user prime vendor bip budget pro card usage oo preparation ll next biennium best value procurement vv activities warehouse optimization testing configuration custom development january july time line accounting workflow materials mgmt ad hoc reporting how be structured focus critical effective planning identifying conducting creating and implementing audit stakeholders plan module consider these context of though may find them instructive any significant change initiative...