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picture1_Budget Spreadsheet 40333 | Budget Guidance For Applicants Multiple Funding Types December 2021

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Budget Spreadsheet 40333 | Budget Guidance For Applicants Multiple Funding Types December 2021

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet budget guidelines in addition to the information required on sfa applicants must provide following three elements as part of submission summary note using omb cost categories see detailed lineitem direct and indirect costs narrative a template tab autofills from quot fundingtypefadr i ii etc b microsoft excel or similar spreadsheet format outlining specific requirements within each point font larger fit x letter sized paper not legal size once approved will be incorporated pdf into binding agreement share should itemized appropriate separate column below for more details cover entire project period reflect realistic yearly expenses based needs timeline all subaward listed under line f contractual prime breakdown provided subrecipient s items described sample is an example but exhaustive your might have additional here please edit it accurately planned expenditures c include preferably word justify describe how amounts were derived what activities are supported well source descrip...

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