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picture1_Hypothesis Testing Ppt 69806 | Statistics For The Akt

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File: Hypothesis Testing Ppt 69806 | Statistics For The Akt
about the session evidence interpretation questions form 10 of akt marks rcgp also refers to this section as research and statistics and critical appraisal and evidence based clinical practice topics ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...About the session evidence interpretation questions form of akt marks rcgp also refers to this section as research and statistics critical appraisal based clinical practice topics covered in today s presentation testing contingency tables study types results significance null hypothesis type i ii errors makes perfect best way learn subject area is through passmedicine pastest other websites severn deanery course if you want know more or are struggling consider buying borrowing medical made easy michael harris areas not averages meta analysis forest plots t standard error mean funnel relative risk reduction table what does sensitivity a test tell specificity have heard positive negative predictive values can be used calculate these figures from raw data for example when assessing effectiveness an investigation screening remember look at disease present value how accuracy absent tp fp fn tn negativ e true false new spot blood has been developed screen tuberculosis uk immigrants were test...

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