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picture1_Brand Ppt Template 69619 | Virtual Brand Guidelines

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File: Brand Ppt Template 69619 | Virtual Brand Guidelines
zoom slide expectations expectations customize zoom informative waiting room with clear concise logo and description expressive feel free to use the branded esc zoom clean minimalist backgrounds design make sure ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Zoom slide expectations customize informative waiting room with clear concise logo and description expressive feel free to use the branded esc clean minimalist backgrounds design make sure your display name is spelled out ex john find these assets more here doe brand standards elements that up of central ohio colors color hex code blue red bce gray b light cddf orange f yellow ffde eeb purple green ad icons when possible choose graphics a line art style icon can be changed approved must easily identifiable motion should not distracting reinforce action needs taken illustrate point being made...

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