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picture1_Chi Square Test Ppt 69548 | Lecture18 Chisquare

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File: Chi Square Test Ppt 69548 | Lecture18 Chisquare
hypothesis tests so far we ve discussed one sample t test dependent sample t tests independent samples t tests one way between groups anova factorial between groups anova one way ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Hypothesis tests so far we ve discussed one sample t test dependent independent samples way between groups anova factorial repeated measures correlation linear regression what do all of these have in common parametric vs non statistical that involve assumptions about or estimations population parameters been learning e g normal distribution interval ratio level measurement homogeneity variance nonparametric also known as free not rely on distributions parameter estimates does assume no normality assumption re going to be introducing today some frequency data chi square analysis goodness fit variable independence more variables ordinal mann whitney u np analogue wilcoxon signed ranks kruskal wallis friedman s rank for k correlated within the used when frequencies across two categories determines how well a hypothesized fits an obtained compare single want know whether categorical are related quarter tossing probability head tails can you tell if is unfair tossed imagine flipped times wo...

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