cost estimation topics quantitative models e 2 5 kloc1 05 qualitative models e g expert estimation agile cost estimation relate cost to development time se cost estimation hans van vliet ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cost estimation topics quantitative models e kloc qualitative g expert agile relate to development time se hans van vliet on productivity even if are not that good the drivers of these learn us about writing less code helps reuse quality people is important tools help algorithmic base formula a bklocc c usually around diseconomy scale economy this nominal multiplied by number volatility requirements amount documentation required cmm level walston felix one early many factors out projects only three alternatives high medium low per factor its form influenced later cocomo constructive model very well documented boehm book basic where b and depend type project mode organic relatively small known embedded inflexible environment with constraints semidetached somewhere in between more complex takes into account multiplicative...