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25 Bargain Hunting Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Bargain Hunting. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Bargains Are Waiting To Be Found At Flea Markets
..... I love to spend hours looking at flea markets for different items. Different vendors set up their products in a central location so that consumers can spend their time walking around and see the new and used items available for sale. You never know what you will come across at a flea market. There are plenty of new and used items as well as home made crafts and clothing to choose from. To help make your day at the flea market the best it can be plan for the day. Most flea markets are outdoors so you may want some sunscreen and a hat. Others are inside so make sure you find out ahead of time. You don’t want to spend the day carrying around the items you purchased so make sure you take along a bag or a cart. There are some very inexpensive carts that fold up and fit into the trunk of your car. .....


2. Can Discount Stores Really Offer You A Bargain
..... It seems like dollar stores and other various discount stores are becoming a common retailer in most areas. Can these discount stores really offer you a bargain or do they just sell poor quality items? In my opinion, there are plenty of gear bargains to be found in dollar stores and discount stores if you look for the right items. I give lots of cards to people, but they can cost $3 each at most retailers. I can find some great cards at discount stores for about $.50 each. They are still funny or pretty or sentimental in nature and I never feel like I had to settle for less than what I wanted to say. .....


3. Do You Really Save Money If You Purchase Items In Bulk
..... With the continued cost of various items in our society the concept of buying in bulk is getting to be more common that ever. Yet many people question if they are really saving money or not. The answer to this question that yes you will save money when you purchase the right items in bulk. For example you really don’t need to purchase a case of 200 light bulbs as that will last you for many, many years. On the other hand if you have a fairy large family or lots of guests on a regular basis you might consider buying toilet paper and paper towels in bulk. Any item that you will use up in a short period of time is a good candidate for being purchased in bulk. There are many membership warehouses that offer bulk items that focus on families and small businesses. Dry ingredients for your home including sugar and flour are good options. Avoid buying bulk items that will result in eating the same thing day after day though as no one wants to have to do this. For example, don’t buy snacks and potato chips in bulk because everyone in your family will quickly tire of the taste. .....


4. Don't Pass Up The Value Of Using Coupons
..... Most retailers understand the amount of competition they have out there, especially in larger towns. To help encourage customers to remain loyal to them they accept coupons for various products. One of the best uses of coupons is for purchasing grocery items you already use. Look for stores that offer you double or triple the face value of the coupon. Some stores only offer double and triple coupon values on specific days of the week so make sure you take advantage of them if at all possible. You will be amazed at how quickly this type of coupon system can help you slash your grocery bill. It is very important that you make sure the store isn’t inflating the prices on their items though because if they do you won’t save much with the coupons. Don’t be tempted to use a bunch of coupons in items you don’t normally use though or your grocery bill may end up increasing! .....


5. Find Grea Items At A Low Price By Going To Yard And Garage Sales
..... The saying that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure is one that we all find to be very true at one time or another. Many people clear out their unwanted items and then have a yard or garage sale. This is a great place to find items you want and need at bargain prices. If you don’t like the price on any given item at these sales you can ask them to lower it. Negotiating the selling price is a common practice for yard and garage sales. Should the seller not be willing to lower the price you can always ask them to take down your phone number and call you if the item doesn’t sale for the price they want. You will find most people are willing to lower the price rather than risk the item having to be carried back inside or stored if it doesn’t sale at the end of the day. .....


6. Find Great Bargains At Pawn Shops
..... At one time or another most of us have experienced wanting to purchase something but it just wasn’t in our budget to do so. In most cases these items weren’t necessities but luxuries we definitely would have loved to own. One place to find great bargains on the items you want without spending a fortune is your local pawn shops. A pawn shop is a place where individuals can take their items and exchange them for cash. They have a set period of time that the items will be kept. They have to repay the amount they got for the items along with a percentage that varies by state and local regulations. .....


7. Finding Bargains While Shopping For Antiques
..... Many people have the misconception that antiques cost more than they can afford. Shopping for antiques is a great way to spend a free afternoon and you may be surprised at how many good bargains you come across. The hardest thing is many people don’t know the true value of the particular item they are looking at in an antique shop. It may have caught their attention because of the style of it or it brings back happy memories. You never really know if the shop owner is trying to up the price or if you are already getting a good deal. Since you can’t quickly go to another store and compare the price you pretty much have to decide the maximum you are willing to pay for an item and then walk away if the negations don’t work in your favor. .....


8. Finding A Bargain On A New Vehicle
..... We have all heard that depressing statement that a new vehicle depreciates in value the second you pull away from the dealership. I used to think that was an exaggeration until my friend got into a wreck in her Dodge Durango a week after she purchased it. The insurance wouldn’t give her enough to cover buying a new one even though she was not at fault in the accident. She had to get an attorney and eventually she was able to get a new vehicle to replace it, but not without quite a circus taking place around the issue for a couple of months. Buying a new vehicle is one expense that you have to consider very carefully. Those monthly payments can sure take a chunk out of your disposable income. You also have to consider the cost of license plates, insurance, gas, and regular maintenance on the vehicle. To help you find the very best bargains on the new vehicle of your choice you will want to conduct some research before you start negotiations with the salesman. .....


9. Get The Very Best Rates On Hotel Rooms
..... It can be fun to go on a trip and enjoy staying in a luxurious hotel room. Yet many people have to pass up that option and go for a more moderate hotel because of the expense involved. There are some good ways to get the hotel you want at a price you can afford though. It does take some research and planning but it can be done. Regardless of the hotel you are looking at, weekends are generally their busiest time. Planning your stay during the week will help you get a much lower rate. You also need to do research to find out the slowest time of year for that given hotel. They will offer lower prices during that time period so that they can sell rooms rather than leaving them empty. .....


10. Getting A Good Deal On Children
..... Children grow at unbelievable rates, and sometimes it seems like their clothes no longer fit just overnight. Clothing isn’t cheap so having to budget for a new wardrobe isn’t easy. If you have several children then you know all too well the burden of coming up with money to buy all of the clothes they need before school starts and again in the summer time. Sure, you can save some money by passing clothing from one child to another but there are plenty of other ways to save money on children’s clothing. Many stores offer buy one get one free offers throughout the year on jeans, shirts, and even shoes. While you may not think your child needs so many right then consider buying them the next size up. This way when you need bigger clothes for them you already have some stored away at home without having to rush out and spend whatever the going price is at that time for such items. .....


11. Getting The Home You Want At A Price You Can Afford
..... The topic of real estate can be very tricky as the market continually shifts. Sometimes it is a buyer’s market out there with plenty of homes to choose from. Other times the seller’s have the upper hand as more people are looking for quality homes than there are available in the area. Getting the home you want at a price you can afford is going to take some effort on your part. However, since purchasing a home is likely to be the biggest investment you ever make it is well worth it to do your homework before you sign anything. One of the best ways to do this is to find a home that is worth less than you can afford and then do some repairs and remodeling. If you have the time and the ability to do this on your own you will save a fortune. It can be very expensive to hire a contractor so think about this option only if you are up to the task of completing the majority of the work on your own. .....


12. Give Great Gifts Withou Paying A Fortune For Them
..... Sometimes it seems that you are always trying to budget for different occasions where you need to provide a gift. There are always plenty of housewarmings to attend, weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays to keep you digging into your pocketbook. Since you know you will always need gifts, it can save you plenty of time and money if you purchase such gifts in advance while they are on sale. This is the perfect way to find bargains for gifts so that the recipient thinks you spent more than you did. To make this concept work well for you, organization is very important! I know people who buy plenty of bargains to give as gifts, but the problem is they can never remember what they have or where it is when they need something. If you create a list and keep it in a safe place you will always know what gifts you have available. I keep them in an air tight Tupperware storage container (that I got on sale!). .....


13. Save Money On Your Purchases By Taking Advantage Of The Rebates Offered
..... Many manufacturers offer mail in rebates to encourage consumers to buy their product. The way these rebates work is that you have to pay the full price for the product when you get it. Then you fill out the rebate information and mail it in along with a copy of your receipt. They will then send you a check. However, you will be amazed at how many people fail to get around to sending in the information for their rebate. Most offers have a set time frame so it is a good idea to get the information in the mail as quickly as possible. They either don’t want to mess around with the process or the simply forget with so many other things taking place in their life. .....


14. Save Money Shopping For Clothing At Thrift Stores
..... On average, most people clear out their closets at least twice per year. All of the clothing they no longer wear it taken to charity locations and thrift stores. Many people donate clothing items that they only wore a couple of times or that still have the tags on them. The most common thrift stores to find such clothing are the Salvation Army and the Goodwill. Both of them inspect clothing for stains and tears so you can be sure you will find good quality clothing for men, women, and children at very low prices. Many people think these thrift stores only carry outdated clothing but that is simply not the case. Children often outgrow clothing before it has been worn out or the style has faded. There are also plenty of clothing articles that never go out of style including t-shirts and denim jeans. While you may not find the same styles offered at the trendy retailers in the area you will find plenty of quality clothing for less than you will pay for it anywhere else. I have walked out of such thrift stores with bags of clothes that cost me less than purchasing one outfit at a retail store. .....


15. Save Money On Tex Books
..... One of the most expensive areas of attending college seems to be the cost of the text books these days. Since most colleges only use a particular book for a year or two it is very hard to purchase them in advance. Yet there are some good ways you can catch a break when it comes to paying for the text books you need. Almost all colleges have bulletin boards so you can place an ad for the various books you need. Hopefully individuals who have just finished the course will gladly part with the book for much less than they paid for it. If you have text books from courses you have finished you may be able to trade what you need for what someone else needs. If you are in a particular type of program such as business or education you will likely find other students who need to take the same classes as you. Setting up a text book swap is a great way to maximize the amount of money that you do spend on text books. .....


16. Save Money When You Buy Outdoo Items
..... Most homeowners take great pride in keeping their yard looking beautiful all year long. Yet the cost of such upkeep can really get expensive after a while. You can save money when you buy outdoor items at various times of the year. These bargains will help you have the quality yard you want but without the high price tag. Fertilizing the grass usually takes place in late spring. It is common for people to fertilize again in the late fall so that the precipitation over the winter can help their grass stay green. If you stock up on fertilizer at the end of the winter you will have plenty for spring but you will get it at ½ the cost or less. The same goes for weed killer. At the end of winter make sure you stock up on plenty of ice melt and a couple of good quality snow shovels. This way you will save money on the items you need for next winter. .....


17. Save Money When You Purchase Damaged Goods
..... No one wants to get any item they have purchased home and discover that it has been damaged in some way. In the event that it does happen the course of action to follow is to return it to the place of purchase for another product in excellent condition or for a refund of the cost they paid for it. However, the retailer has to try to make some money of these damaged goods so they will sell then at a cost that is much less than the actual cost of the item. If you are handy with repairs, then this could be a great way for you to get a bargain price on the products you really want. Furniture is a very common type of product that can be damaged. Yet it is fairly easy to repair a torn cushion or cover up scratches on tables and desks. The more severe damage the item has then the more money you will save on the cost. It is a very good idea to take find out exactly what repairs are involved and the cost of the materials to complete the job. If you won’t be able to complete the work on your own then you need to find out how much it will cost to take it to someone else. .....


18. Save Money When You Purchase Refirbished Products
..... Most of use enjoy being able to buy the items we need as well as enjoy some luxury items now and then. The cost of many items though makes it difficult to budget for them if you don’t want to simply run out and charge up your credit cards every time you want or need something. One of the best ways to get what you want or need is to take a close look at refurbished items, also referred to as reconditioned, that are for sale. These items offer you the same name brand and the same quality but they are sold for less. This is because the item has been returned because it did not work properly. Yet it has been looked at and repaired so it is just as good a purchasing a new one. Many refurbished products come with a warranty as well but several of them are purchased in an “as is” condition. Make sure you ask about this before you make the purchase. .....


19. Save Money When You Purchase Items Online
..... These days the concept of online shopping is something most of us with computers are used to. Not only does it offer you the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home, you can do it at any hour of the day. If you take the time to compare the prices of what you find in the retail stores or catalogs to what you find online, you can generally find the product for less including shipping. The downside to this is that you don’t get the instant gratification of taking the item with you the moment you purchase it. Yet for the amount of money you can save when you shop online it is worth waiting for a few days until it arrives at your doorstep. You will also save money in another way if you take the time to read the various reviews about the products you want to purchase. These reviews are written from actual consumers who have used the product. It is definitely worth checking into the quality of a product from the consumer’s point of view rather than just focusing on the advertising you see for that product. .....


20. Save Money With Online Auctions
..... I love to shop, it really doesn’t matter what the item is. I enjoy clothes, shoes, art, most anything you can imagine shopping for. Yet I do have to pay attention to how much I spend because all those small purchases do add up over time. I have found I can buy twice as much stuff that I want if I shop at the various online auction sites. Trust me, you can find some great bargains on both new and used items. The two most popular online auction sites are Yahoo! Auctions and eBay. There are literally thousands of products to choose from so you will likely find anything you are looking for. I enjoy finding things that the stores no longer carry but that I know are great products. Once you time in a specific item into the search box you will get a listing of all the products available. You can view them by the auctions that are ending first, the lowest price, the highest price, whatever you want. .....


21. Save The Most Money With Holiday Sales
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22. Take The Vacation You Want Without Paying A Fortune For It
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23. Tips To Help You Save Money At The Grocery Store
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24. What Bargains Are To Be Found At An Auction
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25. What You Can Expect From Catalog Return Stores
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