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picture1_Communication Plan Ppt 69510 | Corrt Idp For Scholars 11 Slides

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File: Communication Plan Ppt 69510 | Corrt Idp For Scholars 11 Slides
career development awards training plan mentoring team individual development plans specify scholar and mentor expectations highlight knowledge and skill development activities and benchmarks document progress and identify areas for continued ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Career development awards training plan mentoring team individual plans specify scholar and mentor expectations highlight knowledge skill activities benchmarks document progress identify areas for continued growth communication assessment adjustment as needed department of occupational therapy resources crafting your corrt idp form research ideas university delaware ctr skills acquired through focus frequency meet early often with primary mentors but may vary minutes once a week check in every other one meeting monthly full ahead needs take share notes allow flexibility the goals...

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