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picture1_Statistical Analysis Ppt 69260 | Ch 1 Statistic Page1

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File: Statistical Analysis Ppt 69260 | Ch 1 Statistic Page1
what is statistics statistics is the term for a collection of mathematical methods of organizing summarizing analyzing and interpreting information gathered in a study data and data analysis we have ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is statistics the term for a collection of mathematical methods organizing summarizing analyzing and interpreting information gathered in study data analysis we have two types research quantitative are usually numbers subjected to statistical mainly collected by close ended questions qualitative narrative open example question likert scale measure attitude toward mental illness sa strongly agree d disagree sd uncertain dr yousef aljeesh items diversity reflect topic people who had can become normal productive citizens after treatment ill patient s been psychiatric hospital or center should not be allowed children perception you organization towered female holding high managerial positions...

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