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picture1_Planning Ppt 69188 | 130327hda 0

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File: Planning Ppt 69188 | 130327hda 0
national department of human settlements agenda introduction macro indicators programmes app structure way forward background based on a review of the first three years the hda is undergoing a process ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...National department of human settlements agenda introduction macro indicators programmes app structure way forward background based on a review the first three years hda is undergoing process transformation as we prepare for new financial year agency undertook this intensive planning due to an identified need sharpen our focus around land assembly well respond needs sector strategy arises from discussions with board exco manco and in different departments regions has been approved by highlights most important shift will be development wide partnership organs state other key stakeholders drive delivery ensure that located released viz vibrant communities living head office strong presence performance are now teams johannesburg limpopo western cape eastern northern north west free revised plan provides secure basis sustained growth ensures aligned priority initiatives ndhs being outcome agreements vision mission line working towards integration building partnerships create integrated sus...

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