today what is planning why tourism planning reasons for tourism planning destination life cycle barriers of tourism planning purpose of tourism planning steps in tourism planning process 2 what is ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Today what is planning why tourism reasons for destination life cycle barriers of purpose steps in process the preparing a set decisions action future directed at achieving goals dror selection from among alternative courses also selecting strategies and objectives before s there was little done all based around local developments undertaken piecemeal fashion result damage to areas e g medit coastline skiing resorts major element maximize impact on socio economical development demands govern ment intervention devel response unwanted effects only can prevent negative impacts should be effective with actors involved any economic form requires if it achieve explicit that underlie consequences unplanned ts p physical alteration environment historical cultural landmarks resources human less accessibility services visitor attractions residents resulting resentment activity dislike visitors loss id lack education employees skills hospitality community awareness benefits marketing failure capi...