1.Accelerators • History-Why • Particle Sources • Acceleration stage • Space charge • Diagnostics • Application 2. Detectors Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors ionization chambers proportional counters Geiger-Muller counters Scintillation Detectors Photomultiplier tube Semiconductor Detectors Personal Dosimeters photographic films photographic emulsion plates Others Cloud and Bubble Chambers Particle identification E-ΔE, TOF Measurement theory Detection Equipment Ionization Chambers Key Components in a Simple Ionization Chamber Ionizing Battery the voltage must be radiation + sufficiently high for effective collection of –+–+– Load electrons. +–+–+ resister – Detector Ampere- chamber meter The average energy required to Current (A) is ...
Presentation Outline: 1. Introduction 2. Objectives of the study 3. Experimental work 4. Results and discussion Introductio n Granite is a popular building material. Radiation exposures of the population can be increased appreciably by the use of building materials containing above – normal levels of natural radio nuclides Human beings are exposed also naturally from sources outside their bodies, mainly cosmic rays and gamma rays emitters in soil , building materials , water , food and air. objectives • The objectives of this presentation, therefore, are to measure the natural radioactivity levels   ...