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picture1_Measurement Of Radioactivity Slideshare 66843 | 2e666f03 832c 4f84 A98a E53371e37696

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File: Measurement Of Radioactivity Slideshare 66843 | 2e666f03 832c 4f84 A98a E53371e37696
1 accelerators history why particle sources acceleration stage space charge diagnostics application 2 detectors gas filled radiation detectors ionization chambers proportional counters geiger muller counters scintillation detectors photomultiplier tube semiconductor ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Accelerators history why particle sources acceleration stage space charge diagnostics application detectors gas filled radiation ionization chambers proportional counters geiger muller scintillation photomultiplier tube semiconductor personal dosimeters photographic films emulsion plates others cloud and bubble identification e tof measurement theory detection equipment key components in a simple chamber ionizing battery the voltage must be sufficiently high for effective collection of load electrons resister detector ampere meter average energy required to current is charges collected ionize atom ev ion if particles entering an air on electrode deposit registered gev s number pairs generated by flowing through radioactivity how can sensitivities improved what happens when increased multiplication x v due secondary operate at higher not only collect but also accelerate it should noted however that small mass make them drift times faster than ions thus mainly drifting with fraction desp...

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