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picture1_Binomial Distribution Ppt 68544 | Pptbinomial Distribution

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File: Binomial Distribution Ppt 68544 | Pptbinomial Distribution
what is binomial distribution if x is a discrete random variable with probability mass function where x 0 1 2 3 n q 1 p then x is a binomial ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is binomial distribution if x a discrete random variable with probability mass function where n q p then variate and the of called word literally means two numbers for known as one in which there are only possible outcomes success failure finite number trials note that however we define events must be mutually exclusive complementary they cannot occur at same time sum their probabilities should greater than because more may take on countable distinct values such assumptions each trial s f constant independent outcome not affected by any other from to mean variance standard deviation has binomiais applications distributions describe times particular event will sequence observations used when want know about occurrence an its magnitude examples clinical patient condition improve or study patients who improved how much tter feel person ambitious describes persons quality control assess defective items lot goods irrespective type defect...

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