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picture1_Market Ppt 68293 | Malawi Visit 2011

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File: Market Ppt 68293 | Malawi Visit 2011
purpose of trip to explore possible educational links with the lighthouse trust and other institutions organisations in malawi to present to key organisations institutions purpose of our visit to identify ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Purpose of trip to explore possible educational links with the lighthouse trust and other institutions organisations in malawi present key our visit identify training needs target market prospective students discuss what lstm can offer it infrastructure delivery e learning opportunities project team sam phiri director ralf weigel zimba dan robinson manager sauros business kelvin presentation partners background types courses we course approval processes t l aspects approaches hosting student access discussion gather thoughts meetings potential department hiv aids frank chibwandira national tb control programme andrew dimba who rep et ntp managers met james mphango head rhoda banda deputy briefed but not at meeting ministry health reproductive unit fanny kachale nursing midwifes council martha mondiwa registrar medical kondwani mkandawire assistant...

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