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picture1_Report Ppt 68180 | Integration For Leicester 29 4 16 Helen Killaspy

picture2_Report Ppt 68180 | Integration For Leicester 29 4 16 Helen Killaspy picture3_Report Ppt 68180 | Integration For Leicester 29 4 16 Helen Killaspy

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File: Report Ppt 68180 | Integration For Leicester 29 4 16 Helen Killaspy
Oxford Dictionary definition I’ntegrate v. complete, form into whole; bring or come into equal membership of society; end (racial etc) segregation. Integration and mental health • Google search - ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Oxford dictionary definition i ntegrate v complete form into whole bring or come equal membership of society end racial etc segregation integration and mental health google search hits scholar references in less economically developed countries primary care more social secondary physical king s fund report nhs england should support vanguard sites to develop integrated approaches towards all professionals take person approach adopt service models encourage skills transfer between royal colleges work together redesign curricula so have a common foundation as well local authorities assess interaction other public priorities include this joint strategic needs assessments commissioners use new payment systems contracting trusts board level champion for vice versa acute deinstitutionalisation was about inclusion...
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