pemeranan tokoh helen keller dalam naskah helen keller karya william gibson terjemahan meyda bestari jurnal pulikasi ilmiah program studi s 1 seni teater jurusan teater oleh nianda operasella oryza nim ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Pemeranan tokoh helen keller dalam naskah karya william gibson terjemahan meyda bestari jurnal pulikasi ilmiah program studi s seni teater jurusan oleh nianda operasella oryza nim fakultas pertunjukan institut indonesia yogyakarta upt perpustakaan isi jl parangtritis km sewon bantul d i telp e mail lalaoperas gmail com abstract actor is the first device in theatre on stage actors will createthe performance that corespon with structure and texture while not be her him self but she have to character has been choosen high intelligence appeal play order people understand about information system acting theory from stanislavski actorchoice act ashelen script by can gave challange for only blind deaf mute also child years old so many challenge should through reach this of a moral value way behave difable human keyword abstrak aktor merupakan perangkat utama di atas panggung akan menciptakan karakter akting sesuai dengan struktur dan tekstur ketika tidak lagi menjadi dirinya sendiri namun har...