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picture1_Mutagenesis Slideshare 68174 | Lecture 2015 04 05142822350911340064885520f61597680

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File: Mutagenesis Slideshare 68174 | Lecture 2015 04 05142822350911340064885520f61597680
mutagenesis dna damage dna repair recombination mutagenesis mutations mutations are heritable permanent changes in the base sequence of dna point mutations may be transitions e g gc at or transversions ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Mutagenesis dna damage repair recombination mutations are heritable permanent changes in the base sequence of point may be transitions e g gc at or transversions ta deletions and insertions involve loss addition bases can cause frameshifts reading genetic code silent have no phenotypic effect while missense nonsense change amino acid encoded protein replication fidelity high accuracy one error per incorporated depends on a combination proper pairing template strand incoming nucleotide active site polymerase proofreading by exonuclease mismatch physical mutagens ionizing x rays nonionizing uv radiation produce variety lesions pyrimidine dimers commonest product irradiation...

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