File: Ppt On Fractions 68132 | Thin Layer Chromatography
thin layer chromatography thin layer chromatography tlc is an important technique for identification and separation of mixtures of organic compounds it is useful in identification of components of a mixture ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Thin layer chromatography tlc is an important technique for identification and separation of mixtures organic compounds it useful in components a mixture using appropriate standards following the course reaction analyzing fractions collected during purification purity compound are partitioned between adsorbent stationary phase usually silica gel sio solvent mobile which flows through plastic glass or aluminum sheet coated with very small amount solution substance to be analyzed applied spot b u c d capillary tube cm from bottom plate filter paper developed chamber contains developing truncated placed serves saturate once within top removed farthest extent front marked pencil allowed evaporate hood spots visualized uv lamp fluorescent manganese activated zinc silicate added that allows visualization under blacklight will fluoresce light green by itself but analyte quench this fluorescence appear as dark http orgchem colorado edu hndbksupport tlcprocedure html chemicals being separated m...