File: Marketing Ppt 67760 | 46865265 Green Marketing
what is green marketing the study of the positive and negative aspects of marketing activities on pollution energy depletion and non energy resource depletion green marketing or environmental marketing consists ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is green marketing the study of positive and negative aspects activities on pollution energy depletion non resource or environmental consists all designed to generate facilitate any exchanges intended satisfy human needs wants such that satisfaction these occurs with minimal detrimental impact natural environment why it important limited resources alternative ways unlimited looks at how utilize while satisfying consumers both individuals industry as well achieving selling organization s objectives go for opportunity moral obligation pressure from government competitor cost factors firms goods characteristics will have a competitive advantage over environmentally responsible alternatives example mcdonalds replaced clamshell packaging waxed paper because polysterine production ozone layer xerox introduced high quality recycled photocopierpaper in an attempt demands forless harmful product social responsibility issues being integrated into firm corporate culture this situation can ta...