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picture1_Consumer Behaviour Ppt 67683 | Mba(hcm)

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File: Consumer Behaviour Ppt 67683 | Mba(hcm)
growth in indian healthcare sector healthcare industry in india comprises of hospitals pharmaceutical companies medical devices clinical trials outsourcing telemedicine medical tourism health insurance and medical equipment wellness and fitness ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Growth in indian healthcare sector industry india comprises of hospitals pharmaceutical companies medical devices clinical trials outsourcing telemedicine tourism health insurance and equipment wellness fitness etc the is growing at a tremendous pace owing to rising incomes awareness adoption new technologies increasing expenditure by public as well private players us billion hospital per annum k j somaiya institute management peculiar features expanding great speed vertical horizontal change consumer behaviour adaptation technology related high level digitalization emergence such iot ai robotics spend likely grow gdp ayushman bharat pradhan mantri jan arogya yojana pm jay can be game changer vibrant robust accounting for market share opportunities tech start up programme highlights mba hcm two year full time super specialization area good blend domain specific subjects covers holistically focus on experiential learning opportunity do internship abroad with reputed institutions our col...

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