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picture1_Academic Pdf 125905 | 005 Major Elective I   Consumer Behaviour   V Sem

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File: Academic Pdf 125905 | 005 Major Elective I Consumer Behaviour V Sem
study material for bba consumer behaviour semester v academic year 2020 21 unit content page nr i consumer behaviour 02 ii consumer 09 iii determinants of consumer behaviour 12 iv ...

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...Study material for bba consumer behaviour semester v academic year unit content page nr i ii iii determinants of iv decision making process customer satisfaction meaning is the how individual customers groups or organizations select buy use and dispose ideas goods services to satisfy their needs wants it refers actions consumers in marketplace underlying motives those definition according engel blackwell mansard processes people who purchase personal consumption nature influenced by various factors that influence are as follows a marketing such product design price promotion packaging positioning distribution b age gender education income level c psychological buying perception attitudes towards d situational physical surroundings at time social factor e status reference family f cultural religion class caste sub castes undergoes constant change not static over period depending on products example kids prefer colourful fancy footwear but they grow up teenagers young adults trendy middl...

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