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picture1_Market Research Ppt 67588 | Slide Kom999 Public Relations Planning

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File: Market Research Ppt 67588 | Slide Kom999 Public Relations Planning
planning it focuses effort work on the right things it improves effectiveness prioritized encourages the long term view future helps demonstrate value for money comparison for achievement minimizes mishap attention ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Planning it focuses effort work on the right things improves effectiveness prioritized encourages long term view future helps demonstrate value for money comparison achievement minimizes mishap attention detail reconciles conflict anticipation facilitates proactivity deciding by yourself fact finding analysis identify issues which to base your pr programmed ex old fashioned and losing market share vs demo that product is modern leading edge research political economic social technological variable environme interest population new ntal rates growth discoveries legislation inflation lifestyles rate of employmen level change t supply education investment trade income in distribution technology consumer spending governmen disposable patterns attitudes cycles developme world concerns nt conditions strategy tactics overall approach taken a or campaign theme big idea rationale behind tactic bagian program situasi tujuan audience calendar time table budget evaluation...

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