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26 Community Services Articles

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Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 26 txt files containing articles about Community Services. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. A Different Kind Of Christmas
..... Each year as Christmas season begins to go into full gear, we hear the complaint that Christmas has become commercialized and we have forgotten “The true meaning of Christmas.” When we make that observation, it must come from a nostalgic time, perhaps when we were children, and we remember Christmas being about the sacrifice of the Christ child and that the gifts we give reflect the gift of life that God has brought to us. Even if our Christmas time is not full of religious imagery, the stories and carols and traditions of the Christmas season point to values that are more about giving to each other out of the heart and being together as family more than the economic side of the season and the hustle and bustle that can weary the soul more than bless it. That is why this year it might be a time to think about trying a different kind of Christmas. If you feel that your family has gotten too bogged down in the commercial aspect of the holiday, maybe there is way to remind each other that Christmas is about giving between people and sharing with others in order to allow there to be “peace and good will among men”. .....


2. A Rich Retirement
..... Whether it is you who is approaching those golden years we call retirement or one of your loved ones is in those years, there is no question that making that transition from the working world and decades of responsibility and hard work is not always easy. The sudden change of lifestyle and that feeling of “no longer being useful” is one of the most difficult aspects of retirement and growing older. When you combine that with reduced activity and the natural decline in physical ability that aging brings, you have a powerful emotional transition to go through. That is why people who actively counsel the elderly have learned that the most positive thing a person can do to combat that depression and sense of “uselessness” that plaques retirees is to make themselves useful. And there is no better place for them to do that than in community service. There are a variety of great reasons that volunteerism among the elderly is such a great idea. And if you are in a position to counsel an aging family member or friend, it is important to remember that doing community service is not all about being charitable and helping out the down and out. It is just as much about the health and well-being of the retiree as it is for the good of the community and the people in it. .....


3. Can Mandatory Community Service Work
..... Lots of organizations coordinate youth community service work. And you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would oppose the idea of kids pitching in and helping out make the community a better place for everybody to live. It’s good for the community because we are using that boundless energy and physical stamina of youth for a good cause. It’s good for the causes helped because there is no end of work to be done. And it’s good for the kids because it helps them think about other people, it gives them a strong sense of self-esteem and it helps them learn new skills and meet others in the community they might never meet otherwise. But when those in leadership at the local, state or national level propose some form of uniform mandatory community service for youth that seems to change the nature of the program so dramatically that the discussion turns sour pretty fast. It might be that the term “mandatory community service” has a negative connotation because so often, that is part of the sentencing of someone who has run afoul of the law and is given so many hundred hours of community service to pay back their debt to society. So if we are going to implement any form of mandatory community service for teenagers or kids on our society, we need to think it through and take advantage or programs that have successfully mandated community service for kids and have had success. .....


4. Children Reaching Children
..... War is a terrible thing. And the war we are trying to get through right now sure has its share of brutality and loss of life. The sad thing is that it is the children who are most affected by such a war. And they are the ones who least understand what is going on around them. But even in situations as sad and desperate as a war zone, you can sometimes find rays of hope and moments where people reach out to each other in a way that really helps. One such way happens every time that children in our country reach out to children half way around the world. This happens every day through the many school projects that help kids find a way to send some needed supplies, a letter of encouragement and some joy to the children overseas who are enduring war in their country. These kinds of community service projects that teachers in thousands of school rooms all over America have their children do, go far to help bring international understanding and hope between peoples. It is safe to say that these outreaches do as much or more for the children extending the help as they do for the children to receive the packages from strangers far away. .....


5. Coming Together
..... There is something about community service that causes a sense of coming together that really is not possible in any other setting. When a community comes out either in time of crisis or when a big community project is in the works, you see a side of people that will not surface in their day to day world. This may be why community service projects that mobilize the population to get out and help others are so popular. Community service gives people a chance to do something for some one else. It also gives parents the chance to get their kids involved in something wholesome, fun and to learn the value of doing a project for a selfless motive. And it gives everyone a chance to get to know others in the community that we might never meet any other way. United Way functions are great for this because they pull volunteers from businesses all over your community. So you might be working shoulder to shoulder painting a school room with the president of the biggest bank in town or a minister of a church you never otherwise would have gotten to know. The hours working together builds bonds and friendships that are in every possible way healthy for everyone. .....


6. Community Service Is A Family Affair
..... Sometimes we think our kids never listen to us. This can be a particularly difficult problem when kids become teenagers. It seems that no matter what we tell them, they just shrug and give us that obnoxious response of “whatever” and we make no impact at all. But any child or youth counselor will tell us that this is absolutely not the case. That outside show of indifference is just that, a show. Teenagers do not jump from children to sophisticated, hardened and cynical adults in few weeks or months time. The emotional growth of a human at this age moves along just as slowly as when they were children. So even though they are adult looking on the outside, on the inside you still have a very emotional little boy or girl who want nothing more than to please mom and dad and still try to figure out this new world they are living in. Children and teenagers value the time they get with their parents tremendously. It might be twenty years later when you come to realize how important it is to them but they need both quality and quantity time with their mom and their dad. It is part of how their personalities form and it has a huge impact on their self esteem and ability to go out there and conquer the world. .....


7. Frats Are Not All Like ôAnimal Houseö
..... When you think of a college fraternity, the traditional image of a hard drinking, party central place that encourages boys to skip class, seduce women and generally behave like animals seems to come to mind. Or we think of spectacular cases of fraternity hazings or movies that emphasize wild living at college fraternities like “Animal House”. This is the work of movies and the media who love to emphasize the light hearted side of college life. Similarly, sororities are depicted as places where rich snobby girls go to discuss fashion, look down on each other and other sororities and develop elitist attitudes. But none of these pictures are at all representative of the good that college fraternal organizations do in helping young college kids grow socially and develop a sense of social responsibility. In any college town, the work fraternities and sororities do to make a positive difference for the college and for the community that hosts them goes unnoticed and unrewarded with the same kind of media attention that the public gives when the excesses of a few fraternities makes the news. Fraternities are actually not founded with the intent of giving students the chance to live like animals and commit mayhem. Fraternity student leadership groups all around the country struggle with this misperception every year. .....


8. Getting The Government Out Of Community Service
..... We live in a time when we tend to look to the government to do a lot of things. For some reason, we tend to think that just because we have to pay taxes, it is our government’s job to fix everything that is broke and arrest anybody we don’t like. But if we can get a more rational view of what the government can do and moreover what it cannot do, we then can define what is local and should be handled by people in our own comity. There are many projects that are just outside of what the government ought to be sticking their noses into. This is particularly true concerning the federal government. Too often we push to the national level discussions and decisions about the quality of life in our own communities when no matter what the federal government does, nothing will make our communities a better place to live more than people coming together as neighbors to make it so. A good example is the care of local parks and public areas. If we expect the government to pay a service that has no connection to our community to come in and make things right in the public spaces used by our children and that are important to our neighbors, we can be sure the job isn’t going to get done right. One of the reasons that there is a general disrespect for public gathering spaces is that people don’t see those spaces as part of their local community. If you think you are littering on yet another piece of government property, you won’t think twice about treating it with disrespect because it isn’t yours. .....


9. Helping Hands Around The World
..... When we think of community service, we almost always think in terms of our local community. And reaching out to those in your own town is truly the most dynamic type of community service. But there are dramatic examples of people who reached out beyond the city limits of where they lived to really make a difference in the lives of people around them. Examples of ways that neighbors reached out to neighbors beyond their borders and out into the larger community of the nation can be found in youth outreach programs through local churches or community centers. Every year thousands of youth spread out all over the country to help those less fortunate than themselves. But there is one example of neighbor helping neighbor even past the borders of our country. This is an example of government working hand in hand with citizens to extend helping hands around the world. And that example of community service on a global scale is the Peace Corps. The idea of the Peace Corps was the brainchild of dreamers during the 1960s, a decade where the youth of America were searching for self-definition. It took a dynamic leader like John F. Kennedy to take that vision and find a way to organize it into a government program that could capitalize on the energy, the good will and the enthusiasm of youth to reach out to nations around the world. The idea had gained sufficient momentum that it became an important part of Kennedy’s campaign for the presidency so much so that when President Kennedy gave his inaugural speech, it was the Peace Corps he was talking about when he uttered those historic words… .....


10. How The Rich Really Get Richer
..... Somehow we have a fascination and sometimes a disgust toward the wealthiest people in our society. To be sure, they are the ones that get a lot of attention in the tabloids and television talk shows. And the paparazzi love them. But at the same time, we tend to look down on them. We assume that they are spoiled, perhaps got their wealth through unscrupulous means and that they cannot understand the day in day out struggles that the “common folks” go through every day. But there is another side to the lifestyle of the most fortunate in society and that is their philanthropic and community service work that they do. There is no question that the wealthy have amazing abilities to generate revenue and build powerful and successful businesses. But it seems that once people reach a certain level of wealth, the urge takes over to give to the community and provide the means for some truly great community service work to be done. There is a long precedent in the country for those who achieve the highest level of success to turn that success around and put it right back into the community. One of the great philanthropists of the American business community was David Packard, one of the founders of Hewlett Packard. Throughout his career, he never allowed the trappings of wealth to affect his lifestyle or his values. So when he had achieved great success, he turned right around and started the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. This ongoing community service organization uses the tremendous endowment of funds that David Packard passed to it in his will to fund dozens of worthwhile community service projects including preschools, community centers, health care for children and children’s hospitals. .....


11. It Takes A Village
..... A few years ago a book came out called “It Takes a Village” that created a stir. But the stir was probably because the author was Hillary Clinton more than the topic itself. But in this book Mrs. Clinton advanced the theory that in society, much of what we do that has value, including raising children is not just the work of individuals. It takes community action to make things of lasting value happen.’ This concept may have had some political reason for being written but Mrs. Clinton did introduce into the public mind that phrase which is really an outstanding summary of why community service works so well. The key word in community service is community. When a group of people come together for a shared purpose to do something good for the community in which they live, that is a special moment. Not only does it foster tremendous good will in the team and for those who are beneficiaries of the community spirit but it inspires others who see these good things happening to get involved. If you live in a city of any large size, we have more trouble thinking of our community as a “village”. And to some extent the size of the city might also have an influence over your willingness to get involved in community service projects. But there is a way to view even life in the big city in such a way that you can find good reasons to make a contribution. .....


12. JerryÆs Kids
..... Forty one years. That is quite a long time. And that is how long Jerry Lewis has been going on television every single Labor Day to conduct the annual telethon to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This phenomenal fund raising effort has set a high standard for achievement and has changed our view of Jerry Lewis from that of just a talented entertainer, actor and comic to one of the great philanthropists of our time. But if the “Jerry Lewis telethon” as it has come to be called, were only an annual TV show where big stars come on around the clock for a couple of days to raise money for research to find a cure for muscular dystrophy, that alone would be a wonderful thing. But this Labor Day telethon has taken on a much larger meaning and role in American life to the extent that it has become one of the seminal nationwide community service events of the calendar year and arguably the largest national coordinated community service event of all time. The event we see on television is only the forward front of a full scale nationwide campaign that sweeps across the country each year. It is one of the most ambitious and well organized community service efforts of all time because during the weeks leading up to the big telecast, literally thousands of community service projects will be held in every community in the nation, all with the goal of making a good sized contribution to “Jerry’s kids.” .....


13. Merchants Reach Out
..... Sometimes we see some tremendous acts of community service that one of the really big businesses in town takes on. A huge international bank may donate some huge statue to the local park. A big oil company who has been in the city since it was started might fund a library or a new museum. When these things happen, those big businesses usually get their names attached to those projects. And while we are all grateful for the contribution these businesses make to our towns, nobody is kidding themselves that they just do that as part of smart business and to take the write off. It is sad to be so cynical but when we think of true community service, it isn’t some massive company that has no real face or personality to us that really makes a difference. It is when that local merchant who runs the local five and dime or ice cream shop or that new business getting started pitches in that we really see the “community” part of community service start to mean something. They say that small business really is the heart of our economy. But small business is what makes any city or town in America thrive. Even if the business is a branch of a large national chain, if the business functions for very long in your neighborhood, it doesn’t take long for it to become a local business. .....


14. Real Patriotism
..... Patriotism is a word that has gotten a lot of use in the last few years as more and more people try to define what patriotism is based on how much you fly your flag and how many magnets you have on your car. But the expression of patriotism we show at the fourth of the July when we cut loose with those fireworks or we shout in agreement at stirring patriotic speeches are not the kind of patriotism that makes this country as great as it is. This is not to say that there is no place for that kind of patriotic expression. To be able to express devotion to country openly is one of our rights. And when all citizens of this country can do that in agreement, it builds community and the kind of pride that makes the nation strong. There is a phrase that one of the army divisions uses to explain to anybody who asks what makes that unit so brave and able to do such amazing things in battle or whenever called into duty. It is a very simple phrase but one that is full of meaning. It simply says “deeds not words.” .....


15. Taking The Hel Out Of HellÆs Angels.
..... If you have bikers in your community, you can relate to that sense of anxiety you might feel when you see them riding in tandem down one of your city streets. If they are part of a “gang”, they might be wearing the uniform of a biker with the black leather, the emblems of skulls, tattoos and other things that can be pretty frightening as they ride along on their motorcycles. The image of bikers being dangerous and maybe destructive goes back a long way. You may not know that the origin of motorcycle clubs comes from the post World War II time frame. Many veterans who came back from that conflict with battle related issues found solace in being with others like them doing some “male bonding”. They found the motorcycle and in particular the Harley Davidson motorcycle and that gave them a shared interest that eventually developed into what we eventually recognize as a motorcycle gang. Now the history of motorcycle gangs is not always pretty. It is true that one of the big motorcycle gangs in the fifties and the sixties were the infamous Hell’s Angels. And those original members of that club were pretty dangerous individuals. But there was a code of ethics to being a biker because they shared the battle experience. They were and are tremendously loyal to each other. And it may surprise you to know that bikers as a rule are quite patriotic and can be outspoken in defense of the country and its interests. .....


16. Teens On A Mission From God
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17. The Church As Good Neighbor
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18. The Evidence Of Eagles
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19. The Good Lawyers
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20. The Greatest Generation
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21. The Miracle Of Habitat For Humanity
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22. The Power Of Working Together
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23. Those Men On Tiny Motorcycles And The Funny Hats
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24. What You Can Do For Your Country
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25. WhatÆs In It For Them
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26. Young Hands Making A Difference
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