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picture1_Science Ppt 66983 | Uv Spectroscopy By Dvara Prasad

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File: Science Ppt 66983 | Uv Spectroscopy By Dvara Prasad
synopsis what is spectroscopy interaction of emr with matter classification of spectroscopy uv visible spectroscopy principle types of electronic transitions beer lamberts law instrumentation applications wood word fieser rules question ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Synopsis what is spectroscopy interaction of emr with matter classification uv visible principle types electronic transitions beer lamberts law instrumentation applications wood word fieser rules question bank spectrum scopies when a beam light allowed to pass through prism or grating it will dispersed into seven colors from red violet and the set band produced called examination branch science dealt study electro magnetic radiation so means type which absorbed we can get idea about nature compound amount concentration substance used for qualitative quantitative analysis passed transparent cell containing solution an absorbing reduction intensity may occur this due reflection at inner outer surfaces scattered by particles present in absorption molecules depend upon structure numbers interacting these dependencies ir nmr x ray esr emission if sufficient energy gets impinged sample electrons species be raised their stable ground state higher level unstable excited rapidly emits photon re...

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