introduction uv spectroscopy involves the measurement of absorption of light in the visible and ultraviolet regions visible region 400 800 nm uv region 200 400nm by the substance under investigation ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction uv spectroscopy involves the measurement of absorption light in visible and ultraviolet regions region nm by substance under investigation since transition from one electronic energy level to another within a molecule is also known as this technique complementary fluorescence that deals with transitions excited state ground while measures principle molecules containing electrons or non bonding n can absorb form excite these higher anti molecular orbitals more easily i e lower gap between homo lumo longer wavelength it very important condition for electromagnetic radiation photon must be equal difference two vibrational rotational states record amount absorbed transmitted given sample function called spectrum beer s lambert law when beam monochromatic passed through dispersed absorbing solvent directly proportional molar concentration well path length using where measured absorbance units au intensity incident at l c species each constant absorptivity extinction coefficient...